For our Canadian members

We wanted rid of Harper, that is fact, but it didn't anything to do with his policy on weed?! There was not really anyone else to choose from either.

Not sure where you got the 5 year thing, but that has nothing to do with smoking in your home or outside or even simple possession! Been there done that more than once.

And as for Trudeau and Trump, I hope you aren't thinking they are going to be buddies........I think you will be slightly disappointed.

What do you mean "WILL be disappointed?" !

You state that like you expect him to be our next president ! OMG !

Self indulgent windbag born with a silver spoon who's main accomplishments were ....wife with big tits and too much makeup.... Going bankrupt several times.... And acting in a reality show....

All the hallmarks of a great leader ! I am so embarrassed ......
An American Putin without the balls.