69 Cuda resto

If you have repaired an area and primed on top of that. you will need to sand the whole panel in 800. shoot your base on the repaired areas. you will need to re clear the entire panel breaking at a seam line. do not try and blend the clear coat. That's body shop hocus pocus B/S. What will hapen is when you wet sand and buff the area where the clear was blended it will die back because the material is so thin it will burn the edge of the clear and leave a haze around the re cleared area. If the area is on the quarter panel and there is no way to break a clear tape line then you will need to clear the whole back of the car including the roof. If the tip you are using is a 2.0 That is way to big for base or clear. That tip is for primer. you need a 1.4 or 1.3 if the metallic is very fine. You can set the regulator at the compressor but run it 10 lbs more than what you want to spray at. if you do want to re clear don't just put 1 coat on it will sand through to the other clear creating the same problem as trying to blend the clear. be safe and put 3 coats of clear on if you are re clearing the car. Now lets talk gun set up. run the inlet air adjustment full open. spray pattern full open and fluid tip 2 1/2 turns open from full closed. use a 60 % over lap pattern on both clear and base. Buffing is a whole other lesson. If you need help with that when the time comes. I will be glad to offer guidance.