76 Plymouth Valiant won't start

So an attempt to put this into perspective.

I'm not happy with myself, on the resolution of these pages

Start with pages 8-236---237.

On page 8-237, a vertical wire and chain of big dots there at map #21-22 is a wire and splice series, and is the "jump off point" for the battery and alternator

1...Go to the alternator, pag e 8-236. Follow the big top wire, R6-10BK. That is the main alternator output, comes over and down through a fuse link to those splices, the fuse is R6-14R. So it is RED

2...Go to the battery. Follow off the + post, A3-14P, changine to A3-18GY --fuse link--and A3-14P (PINK) goes to connector CE1 the bulkhead connector Going to page 8-256, we see that A3-14P is cavity 20, zone 57A in the interior

If we go to page 8-220, we can see that cavity 20 is "hazard flasher"

3...Again at the battery, come off the + post, A1-8R, connects to A1-10R comes over to page 8-237 to the bottom of that chain of splices

4...Move slightly up the page. Notice it says SHUNT. That is the ammeter SHUNT which is "new." Note wire R16-20BK, and A11-20R coming off to the right, feeding to CE-1. THESE small wires are the ammeter, which is now "external shunt" CE1 is the bulkhead connector, feeding those wires into the interior

So R16 is cavity 12, zone 55A, ammeter

And A11 is cavity 29, zone 55B, ammeter

Now we have three fuse links left, coming off the top "to the right" of the chain of splices.

The top one---dotted---is only for 65A optional alternators, which you probably do not have.

5...Below, R6-16DBL (DARK BLue) and off to R6-12BK and to CE1 the bulkhead connector. This is cavity 16, zone 41E Cavity 16 is "alternator"

6...Below that, we have J1-18GY changing to J1-12R (RED) going to CE1

And that is cavity 25, zone 41E. Cavity 25 is "ignition switch feed"

Last, the bottom wire A1-10R goes off the bottom right of page 8-237, and if you go to 8-238, you see this is the main wire feeding the large stud on the starter relay

Now, if we go to page 8-256, we can reference the above stuff to the bulkhead connector, which I've added to the posts above

Next if we go to page 8-220, we can see the function of each bulkhead connector cavity. I also typed them in above