408 fender badges.

The more you show, the quicker you are to loose your car. People that are into theft (happens every day) are quick to pick up on little things that make a good fast sale, no questons asked. A LOT of street HEMIs were ripd, and striped just for the mills. Keep it clean and low kew. Those that know you will know your car and respect it for what it is. Even thow Im running a 440, should someone ask I tell them "I was told it was a 340, but it not that fast so I think it a 318". They just grunt ,smile and walk away. Dont even ask to see the motor. I cant even remember how many fools gave me a two some times three car lead just so they could put another notch on there shifter handle and saw nuttin but tail lights. L.O.L.!! a clean install on the valve cover would be kool though,,,