reckless driving advice wanted

From what you posted it's really simple---there was no reason you had to get in front of the driver, or even alongside him. Once you saw his bad driving (cutting you off) from a safety standpoint you should've just let him go on and you stay behind him. Afterall if he's ahead of you he can't back-up & hit you. It sounds like the Officer was thinking along similar lines as I and perhaps he knew more about the incident than you .

That sure as HELL does not make this reckless driving!!!! In fact I don't see that it makes "it" "anything"

[ame=""]Larry Vee: Is This Anything? (Letterman 1/7/2003) - YouTube[/ame]

You claim to be a cop and you are telling us this ****? You have got to tell me that you are joking

^^Extra points if you can tell us who this was, what he was saying and why, and "where" this was happening"^^

How could the officer possibly "know anything?" If he had some "witness" call in on 911 or whatever this is hardly evidence necessarily, unless the caller has made an official statement. Until that witness is sorted out, (if they exist) they can hardly be called as on-the-spot definitive to be pressing charges.

The other "participant" can hardly be called credible, either.