reckless driving advice wanted

I had a similar experience as beebeeri000 several years ago. It didn't result in an accident though. I was on my way to work one evening traveling westbound doing the 65 mph speed limit. When I tried to pass a car that was doing 55, the driver sped up so I could not pass. I gave up on passing him and returned to the lane behind him. That's when he slammed on his brakes. I was far enough away to avoid collision. The driver slowed to 10-20 mph. When I attempted to pass again he immediately sped up to keep me from passing. Once again I pulled back in behind him. He slowed back down to 10-20 mph again. The longer I followed, the slower he drove.

My commute to work was 30 miles from my home. It became obvious that I'd have to pass if I didn't want to be late for work and risk losing my job. I had more than enough power to do it but it meant I'd have to speed to get by him and put some distance between us.

Maybe your opinion is that I was driving recklessly but I chose to pass just as beebeeri000 chose to do.