10.5:1 Pistons for '66 273 Block w/ '67 920 Heads

Thanks for the feedback, folks. I read Toolman's thread and found it full of stuff I can use. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction. And nice thread, Mike.

One of the things I don't see much of is use of 920 heads. The other stumbling block I run into is the terminology:

"Heads #920 runners opened up to 340heads size, bowl blended, valve bosses grinded down, exhaust runners and combustion chamber polished......."

This stuff leaves me scratching my head and the result is my asking poor questions. My experience is with stock English stuff like E-Type Jags, the '57 MGA stocker I built in 1978 (my first car), and other MG's and Triumphs. I've never done the muscle-car thang. For example, I keep looking for an intake that'll take S.U. carbs for a /6 application!

As to the original purpose of this thread (pistons), the Egge website left me stumbling, too. I did call and find a set available from Falcon Performance, but their supplies are waning. From reading your threads and others, I know real 10.5:1 is a pipe dream, but that's just fine with me as I still want streetability. Mid 9's are just fine with me. The 10.5:1's and a mild cam is all I really need. I've even foregone the idea of headers, and their cost and hassle, and will go for manifolds. I just have to track down a set. I currently have a complete hydraulic valve train and will stick with it. And no matter what I'll need a V-8 center link.

I'm early in this process and still trying to figure out and/or find the stuff I'll need to complete the V-8 swap and other stuff for the build. That includes front end stuff, 10.5" flywheel and clutch setup, front discs, and power steering (if a '64 Valiant setup I have access to will work, I'll get it).

I've gleaned a lot, but more information seems to generate more questions. I appreciate your patience and guidance.

Coffee is gone. Cigar is done, Seahawks are on the field. Gotta go.