reckless driving advice wanted

In Washington, if an accident occurs a citation will be issued. Doesn't matter if you are the only vehicle involved or not. One thing I'd like clarified. So the accident occurred and you pulled to the left side of the road. Decided it would be safer on the right side and you pulled in behind the vehicle. Did this make it look like you were the driver in the rear when the Trooper first approached the scene? I understand the damage to the vehicle. Just describe the scene.

Also, He/she is called a Trooper in Washington. Not a cop or a policeman/policeperson. At a stretch maybe a patrolman. Think of it this way. A Trooper basically has state jurisdiction. A Deputy has county and a cop or police officer has city. There are some cross jurisdictional agreements between some agencies but that's the basis in Washington. Extenuating circumstances within state boundaries can muddle the water a bit here and there. Think rescue/open area searches.

And a defensive driver doesn't hit 70mph on hwy 14 either.