reckless driving advice wanted

From what you posted it's really simple---there was no reason you had to get in front of the driver, or even alongside him. Once you saw his bad driving (cutting you off) from a safety standpoint you should've just let him go on and you stay behind him. Afterall if he's ahead of you he can't back-up & hit you. It sounds like the Officer was thinking along similar lines as I and perhaps he knew more about the incident than you (or I) know. Aside from that I don't know what you're asking. as to why he didn't tow the other guy's car---some agencies have a policy that limits conditions as to when a vehicle is towed no matter what the law says.

Agency's towing policy has nothing to do with the officer allowing an uninsured motorist to drive away. A half assed lawyer could reduce his judgment calls on this incident to nothing leaving the officer with zero credibility on everything thing he did here. Doesn't matter if he is a 29 year veteran or just got out of field training. Want to keep it out of court all together and cut your losses? Make sure the officer finds out that his allowing an uninsured motorist to drive WILL be an issue not only in court but also with his state's training and standards division. This **** will disappear.