Steve McQueen vs. John Wayne

Choosing my favorite Mopar is much easier than picking a favorite actor.
I have to go with John Wayne over McQueen mostly due to me seeing many
of Wayne's westerns and only the great escape with McQueen.
Not sure the name of the movie but I liked the Union train robbery scene by Confederate soldiers.
Ropes uprooting trees, greased tracks and then tossing them the hornets nest.
Another of my favorites is the last scene in Clint Eastwoods Unforgiven.
"Anybody that don't want killed better step out the back".

"The Train Robbers" with Ann-Margret?

Eastwood once claimed that "Unforgiven" was a movie with an anti-violence message. .....OK.....

There are LOTS of actors I loved to see in westerns. Too many to name. Richard Boone played one nasty SOB in "Hombre." Eli Wallach was always good for "a character".

Some time ago I saw "Yellow Sky," Gregory Peck, in BW. Great stuff. Very understated, is Gary Cooper in "Man of the West." Julie London, Robert J Wilke, Lee J Cobb, Royal Dano.

The hits just keep on comin LOL

[ame=""]Man of the West trailer - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=""]Yellow Sky Trailer - YouTube[/ame]