Is this engine builder nuts?

My apologies. I didn't read the original post as "newbie", but rather as "complaint department". I think, even in terms of the cheaper areas of the country (a land only of myth for those of us in CT) the price is good, including the labor to install and fire it. Plus, his ideas are spot on in terms of pretty much everything. So unless the guy can't execute well, you've got a reasonable cost and the right concept with him.

Thanks, good to know the general consensus is that he's legit at least up front. The other bit of news I just found out is he's willing to negotiate a service swap with me. In a graphic designer and he needs a website, business cards, and some other items. I'm hopefully going to go talk to him today. If he agrees, I'm hoping he'll do it at cost, or maybe around $1500 after I give him my services!