Confirmation on wiper switch and misc.

I can't read the numbers on the cylinder, boy I wish I could, maybe in my younger days LOL But it's a three speed/variable speed depending on the switch. If you have a three speed switch with three very distinct positions it'll operate as a three speed, if you have a variable speed switch, it will operate as a variable, the switch determines that, but it's a three speed motor


3488839 VAL, DART 73, 74 TO 6/3/74 2 SPD WIPER SWITCH
3488839 VAL, DART 73, 74 TO 6/3/74 switch 2 Spd wiper
3488839 VAL, DART 73, 74 TO 6/3/74 2 SPEED WIPER SWITCH U3746851
3488839 VAL, DART 73, 74 TO 6/3/74 2 SPD WIPER SWITCH

You have a two speed switch.