Help me please tryin to beef up 318

When I switched from the 273 heads, to a set of 714, 302, heads, I did the swap without moving the dizzy. When I went to start for the first time, all the rest of the setup was the same, just diff heads. I had to change my initial timing because of kickback on starter. Obviously more compression. More compression=more power potential.

I'm just saying for dollars spent it not the most bang for the buck and cause of the small ports still chokes the engine from making real power numbers.
1 point of CR gives you about 4% hp return for the effort on a dead stock 318 is about 5-6 hp and one with cam, headers and 4bbl 10-12 hp and 302 give you about an 1/2 a point of CR. Since most ain't gonna port there heads which make one of the magnum heads the way to go.