Lost my best friend last night

I feel your pain! When we got married my wife had five dogs and three cats. I had two large dogs. Was very interesting around our house! Over the years we had one die of old age and the other six we had to put down as their health failed. We added another after we lost a few her name was Sadie and she was a great dog as she growled when people came around. She never bit anyone but family members were afraid of her so keep people from wanting to stay with us. Life was good! We ended up with a 130lb bloodhound named Charlie Brown real sweet but had a lot of lumps under his skin but just fatty tumors. Sadie got cancer on one front toe that vet removed and talked us in chemo. Sorry we did extended her life about 7 months. Two weeks before we put Sadie down Charlie couldn't keep any food down. Vet did ultrasound and found he was full of cancer. We put him down the next day and two weeks later put Sadie down. All are buried in the back yard. I have tears rolling down my face as I write this. I didn't want any more dogs but my wife rescued two from the pound that were on the kill list. I think these will be the last as my health just won't let me dig graves any more. View attachment 055.jpg

View attachment 062.jpg You have my condolences. Sorry I got carried away. I have read that dogs are the only animal that loves their owner more then themselves.