The 405 is running out of cars.

I have to agree about the 13 to 11 second rule. My '68 is a low 12 second car and my '70 is deep into the 10's, although both cars are really geared and set-up for the half mile standing start. The difference those few seconds of quickness make in how the cars behave on the street is dramatic!

Even with modern drag radials, which is the only reason they are even safe enough to drive on the street in the first place, you absolutely have to keep in mind that conditions on the street can shut off your traction in a fraction of a second sending the car out of control in the blink of an eye.

Sub 11 second cars are a potential widow maker for 90+% of the drivers I see out there out there. Once your ride dips below the low 11 second mark, strange dynamic forces seem to be noticeably and often unpredictably at work. No wonder the modern muscle cars come with stability control etc. If they didn't, most people would never live long enough to pay for them.