What wouldn't be an insulting offer?

Thanks for the replies guys!

I don't think that's quite possible for me, would it be safe to run it as is, or with a small rebuild of seals, gaskets, and a rebuild kit? But not going in to all the machining end of it?

Lost me on most of this, but both can be heard and driven. As far as accessories, it sounds like the '75 is better equipped to swap into my '74. But (and maybe I'm just over thinking) i don't want to get down the line and find out I can't do some type of modification since it's a lower comp motor.

Low compression motors can be made to run great.

Also, if you cannot afford a 2500 dollar rebuild on a 440, you might want to reconsider this whole thing. 2500 dollars is a back yard, dirt road, minimalist build at best.