Im kinda Bummed

I am so thankful to be self employed, I spent time when I was younger punching the clock and felt as if I was wasting a good deal of my time working with a bunch of guys who wanted overtime so bad that they slowed down to get it. I valued my home/family time too much for that. Oh and there were no "bonuses" other that the occasional ten lb. turkey at either Thanksgiving OR Christmas. Didn't matter.
Now I can complain about the boss and his greedy business practices all I want, and he can either change his ways or do without me. As you might guess doing without me rarely benefits anyone. So I am grateful for every job, God, by His grace allows my to do and the pay for it IS my bonus. My wife is happy, My kids and grandkids are nearby and our relationship is heaven sent. We live within our means, have some to share, take vacations, and I get to have a couple of (if I say so myself) pretty neat cars to enjoy too.
God is so good, and I am blessed beyond measure!