Sun distributor machine

I picked up the 504, and yes, also picked up a pulse amplifier. Paramount makes a nice replacement amplifier that is less expensive and im sure works just fine, but I wanted the real thing. I was in Paramounts shop, and its like a Candy store for these machines. He is restoring several machines and cabinets. id bet he had 10-12 for sale that had been re-screen printed and painted to like new appearance. I went with an original paint machine with a restored cabinet. His shop is like a hospital operating room, and this guy knows his machines. If you need parts and service, he,s the go to.

I was lucky to get the P.A. when I bought my machine. The originals are pricey and hard to find.

I believe the 504 came out in '69, my 500 is from 1963. Besides the thumbwheel on the top with all the tune-up specs, there is not much difference between the 500 and 504, maybe some of the electronics/circuits. I believe the 504 came standard with a 4,000 rpm tach and the 500 was 3,000 with an option for 4,000. (I got a 4K tach). I wanted a 504 but found this one for a good price locally so I grabbed it.

Going to the Paramount shop would be really cool!