Changing Piston Rings in Car

OK so totally off the frecken wall, and maybe a guy that runs mopars and ferds and visits this site can shed some incite. But I can remember from a moderate time ago (ok, long ago) that it was told (maybe a wise tale) that some certain ferd block were so hard that they wouldn't always seat rings on a rebuild. So they use an amount comet or bonami in the cylinder to help seat rings. In a far stretch of the imagination I can see it. Kind of like lapping valves in. If your in such a predicament might it be an option to try? I know I wouldn't but hey...........

Anybody???? I would thing your just after the diatoms to do a little light scratching.

I used to work with a guy who had rebuilt MANY engines and said he put a little borax in each cylinder for the first fire up and claimed it would seat the rings right away every time. *** This is not an endorsement, just saying - I have heard the same thing. ***

As to the problem at hand, if there is any way you can beg, borrow, or rent a hoist and make room I would go that route instead of trying to do rings in the car.

Good luck!