Electric Fuel Pump

Well to answer your question...you do NOT just want it wired to a 12v keyed hot...imagine forgetting to shut the key off. Recipe for hydrolock. Also....I would greatly suggest a check valve/drainback valve. OPPOSED to an electric pump...electric pumps have their place, but on a street driver, its probably unnecessary.

I sure like getting in the car and having it fire right up instead of waiting for fuel, and a drainback valve won't help with bowl evaporation anyway, but just keep fuel from returning down the line or all the way back to the tank.

My car is a DD and I have the electric pump activated with the ignition via a relay.
Ignition off, pump off, easy peasy.
Turn the key to the run position, wait a second, hit the starter and she fires right up almost before you can get your hand off the key.
If my key EVER got left on I'd know it since I can hear the pump whining when the engine isn't running.

Ya never know what some people do though, as my Sister in law always forgot to put her car in park until it rolled 1/4 mile away down a big *** hill one day when she got out.
Personally, I can't even imagine how someone could do that.