Cam advance question-again?

I ran the 292/509 cam in my 367. I ran it at 112,108,and104. On the street,I could hardly tell the difference. And here I think is why; At 180psi, my cylinder pressure was high enough to spin the tires all the way through the first two gears with 3.55s and 295s. The engine wasn't really loaded until I hit well past 60mph, which put me into speeding territory.
At 128psi your 340 is seriously compromised.A quick calculation, puts your engine at 8.28Scr/6.32Dcr. That .100 deck clearance is over 21CC and it's killing your compression.Advancing that cam will bring the Dcr up to about 6.74, and I don't think you will gain 10 psi in cylinder pressure.But zero decking and a 104 ICA might put your compressions to around 10.33Scr/8.1Dcr.This will bring your cylinder pressure closer to 165psi. This pressure will really wake up your 340.
I know pistons means a do-over, and may not be in your budget. But advancing your current cam, IMO won't solve your torque problem. From what I learned in moving mine around, I wouldn't put the time into it, unless the front was already off. IMO a smaller cam with a much earlier ICA would be a better solution and costs a bit less.But of course you are free to learn at your own pace; that is to say, all the best to you.