daily driver tires

So i am looking at tires today since the good year wrangler sra's scared the brown nuggets out of me on the first snowfall.

Not going the snow tire route as i find its a waste of cash when a good on/off road tire will do the trick.

Any other options or opinions?

It is not the ability to "clear snow" that makes snow tires work.It
is compounding and sipes as well,and I put four on every winter and am happy to.There
is no comparison in traction,even on/off road tires can't touch 'em,period. It's only a
waste of cash if you put them on and it never snows or gets icey,but if the temps stay in
the 30's and down and you drive modestly,they will last 3-4 yrs. depending on mileage.
How much does it cost to replace your vehicle,someone elses?Can it
replace you or someone elses health,.....life? Believe me,I've done it all on all kinds of
tires and road conditions.I lost a perfectly good work beater on black ice because I'd
"saved" some money on a set of new cheapie tires, w/no sipes etc.,they stuck great
on the dry road and went promptly to Zero when i hit that.
It is not a "trick" to have traction in the snow,it is science,and snow
tires have it.Do the homework,most people wreck unable to stop or negotiate a turn,
not trying to get up a hill. I know it's expensive,and that is a major consideration,but
that is whats best if you can afford it.