98 obdII swap harness build

Well yesterday I dissected my 1998 5.9l ram harness I've never done the obdII harness before but have done a few of the obdI harnesses running low on those but have 4 of the obdII harnesses. doesn't look that hard just a lot more wires!!

So far from my notes his is what I came up with. Any correction or help is appreciated

1. lg/b connects to switched start/run power. c1 #2 on pcm
2. br wire from starter relay to starter small terminal
3. rd/y from starter relay to start position
4. bl/w wire grounded or hooked to park/neutral switch. THIS is the ground wire for the starter relay
5. dg/black fuel pump +
6. large red wire to feed the ignition switch and vehicle b+ at all times

does this sound correct? The harness was complete all the way to the plug in under the dash and I will be using the stock pdc box.