"Built up" Mopar 318 on Craigslist. Upselling at its finest.

I suggest Japan's latest tire. The Kwazi-moto-maxy pad. Patterned after Godzillas foot print, it's a 3 tread wide *** foot printed sneaker capable down to 70ft. In water, has climbed most of Mount Everest, (not the tires fault) and it is slated for the next "Moon Buggy" that is going to Mars.

I feel this tire does well on all surfaces. Endorsed by John Force after using them on his personal hot rod that ran low 8's in the 1/4. Mario Andretti suggests these as well since he has them on his daily driver, that Italian Red sporty car by Enzo. I'd also like to throw in my GrandMa's love for them. She talks about there smooth ride and how she out cornered the cops the other day on the park way. So far, she has 135,000 miles on them. Which is pretty good since she has only crossed the country 3 times this year. Yea, she's slowing down some in here old age. (94) But she still loves to drive.

OH! I forgot to note that you can find that tire on jets, pontoon boats, (as well as various skifts as well) skate boards in there micro tire class, bicycles, quads (the ever wear branding) lawn mowers, and various racing events as the newest and best there is.