Transmission slipping when hot?

I would hope it was the tires slipping, heehee, but I fear the guys are on the money. First lesson; racing ain't cheap..... :(

As far as trannys go the 904/727 is pretty simple. With a camera, an FSM, a few tools , and a bit of mechanical smarts, a stock rebuild is easy-peasy.

I burned up a 904 in my 71 Demon about 30 years ago. I did not have the kickdown working properly. :oops:

I would be very tempted to rebuild it myself like the poster above mentions. I am actually looking at doing just this with a 727 before I even put in the car.

Does your car have a transmission cooler? Heat kills automatic transmissions. :violent2: A big cooler will not reverse the damage but in the future it may help save a transmission. Also an electric fan as an accessory to use when traffic stops is an idea. I have been stuck in that Sears Point traffic more times than I can count. If you have room place an electric fan in front of the radiator with transcooler between it and the radiator.

They are not as cheap as they used to be but a transmission temp gauge may be helpful to see how hot the trans is getting. If you buy one of these make sure it is a complete kit with the sending unit.