She's HOME....

The car has been sitting for the last 15ish years. I've had a plan to go get it from storage garage "next week" for the last several years.... we all know how that story goes.
Finally got fed up with myself repeating that and went and picked the old gal up. Dragged it out of the garage with a chain and an ATV, lol.
This won't be a restoration really. More of a "just get the damned thing going again" build. It last ran back in 2008 time frame. Shouldn't really take to terrible much to get it going again. Definitely needs a Trans rebuild and a rear end swap, no sense in spending the money to rebuild the 7.25 when an 8.8 or, if I'm lucky enough an 8.75, can be built for just a shade more.
The entire wiring will be replaced, not a chance I trust ANY of the current stock wiring after sitting in a farm field for a year and a less than frequented garage for the rest.

On to the pics that we all must have.