Have title/No 69 dart.

Here's the thing...........just because you have 'a' title does not mean you have THE title, I will explain

Here, EG, Idaho, let's say I own a car, and lose the title. It's not entirely lost, just misplaced. I die, my whoever gets legal whatever and they go to the DMV and file whatever paperwork and sell the car

THIS LAST paperwork now becomes the LEGAL binding information on the car. Maybe "they" were able to file for a "lost" title and got a state issued copy. THAT LAST title then becomes the binding title.

The old one is nothing but a colored piece of paper.

Now if "your" car was ILLEGALLY sold out of the barn, that would be a different matter, depending on who's name is on the title and the circumstances.

From your description it sounds to me like you have nothing more than a piece of paper. If no person can be legally attached to the NAME on the title, that is what it is, because whoever that name is or whoever the legal guardian is that holds that legal power, is the only person who can TRANSFER the title.