Need some help with thoughts and prayers

Wow,,,,,,,,Thanks everyone. Overwellming to me. Bruce (Dad..FIL ) well his blood work is out of wack, My wife came home late last nite PISSED. Her Dad only had 45cc of urine in approx 8hrs. Thank god she a great R.N and got bitchy and wanted answers...NOW. Found out today hes releasing the urine but out of some other tube.?? Wife is in and out and just giving her the space and support she needs. He had a rough nite with pain and im waiting to hear soon if bloodwork and the catheter is working like it should. Will keep you posted and i REALLY APPRECIATE all of your thoughts. God bless you all. Thanks Edd.........The thing that sucks, Is i work at this hospital and im dissapointed in what has been happening and what Mel has to do to get answers......:banghead: