Craigslist Rant

Now I know what Im giving away for FREE, some cringe at, which is a twin mattress set. They were my daughters first mattresses from when she grew into a regular bed. Well it was time to upgrade her to a new mattress set, so we had to get rid of this one.

I listed it on Craigslist or free. Of course I had a ton of emails of people that wanted them. My reply to each person was I would not hold them for anyone, first come first serve. Of course everyone wanted them. So I set them out in front of my garage and replied to the people that wanted them with my address. Only 1 person showed up to get them, but they were too old for him, so he passed. Not a single other person showed up, but my god they sent me a couple dozen emails stating how bad they wanted the set and begging me to hold them.

Why do people waste others time with multiple emails and never showing up??