Craigslist Rant

Now I know what Im giving away for FREE, some cringe at, which is a twin mattress set. They were my daughters first mattresses from when she grew into a regular bed. Well it was time to upgrade her to a new mattress set, so we had to get rid of this one.

I listed it on Craigslist or free. Of course I had a ton of emails of people that wanted them. My reply to each person was I would not hold them for anyone, first come first serve. Of course everyone wanted them. So I set them out in front of my garage and replied to the people that wanted them with my address. Only 1 person showed up to get them, but they were too old for him, so he passed. Not a single other person showed up, but my god they sent me a couple dozen emails stating how bad they wanted the set and begging me to hold them.

Why do people waste others time with multiple emails and never showing up??

Because they are a bunch of full of **** window shoppers, that's why.
You are lucky 5 of them didn't want 25 pictures too. :D

I was selling something once (don't remember what at the moment) and some dip from the same 2 mile long town I live in wanted detailed pictures taken and emailed to him.
I told him that if was actually interested in buying it he could get off his lazy *** and come look at it in person, because I'm not going to spend an hour taking, sizing and emailing pictures to window shoppers.
Of course he was all offended that I would say such a thing, but never asked where to look at it either.

I also told 2 other people the same thing, but one guy asked if he could come by and look at it and he ended up buying it.

I won't play their stupid time wasting games, and I don't do it to other people.