'67 Dart with '68 idler arm?

Thank you for the call -- but I can not call you back ---- after the 715 -- your message
got garbled, I could not make out the rest of the phone number....
I listened to it four times, but could not make it out....

I just tried to PM you, but it didn't take.....

Call me again, please, Craig -- 516 - 485 - 1935... New York...

Craig, I'm sorry we didn't connect. Dang technology. I had wanted to buy the arm from you and appreciate the help from everyone but when I didn't hear back I kind of rushed and bought it while trying to knock off some Christmas stuff and trying to find a 50 gallon short water heater to replace my now leaking one. Car and house decided to gang up on me at Christmas time. Again, I really do appreciate the help.

I'm curious what the actual dimensions are on the '67 arm and if this one I've ordered comes with different dimensions than the one that's on there I'll really be baffled. I'm expecting it to be an identical replacement but we know how that goes!

Yeah, I wonder how this setup affects tire wear. I haven't noticed anything over the years I've had the '68 arm on there but I didn't know it was there so I wasn't really paying attention either. Now that I don't actually commute full time on it time goes by a lot faster than miles.