Looking for Pictures of Early A (dodge and Plymouth models)..

I have a dash pad from my 66 that if you want it its yours! It has the standard crack in the middle but its not terrible. I would love to see someone do a mold. I ended up buying a cover and painting it to match. Just shoot me a PM with an address and I can get a shipping cost. If you need any other pics of a 66 dash Mine is out but I hope its back in by next week. Best of luck with your project.

pm sent.

and Thanks.

Did your have a sharper body line like "tan" one in the top photos? and did the cap match the lines of the dash pad. or more rounded like the "red" one in the photo?

I'm testing a buck mold out to make the inner structure out of ABS instead of metal. I have already made a few parts for the wife's "exercise" machine out of dense poured for and 4 way stretch vinyl heated to form fit so I know the foam part or the process would work if I can mold a good female copy the ABS structure would fit to bond to the foam