Looking for Pictures of Early A (dodge and Plymouth models)..

WOW! I'm sorry to offend you. please accept my sincere apologies for wasting your "damned time". Since I see you have a lot of post I would have assumed that you know you can "hover" your mouse pointer over the thread title and it will expand to a bit more of the post to see if your interested with just a couple of seconds wasted And since I see a lot of members doing it I though it might be ok.

again please accept my apologies, I am not here to offend anyone. :oops:

I did do the hover. Still not enough info in the intro and I open these threads because I'm hoping I can help someone.

Mods do request that titles be concise. I want to see you succeed and if you're explicit in your title, you'll get guys that otherwise skip your post because they don't know what you want.

Not trying to be a dick and I can see how I came across that way. My apologies.