indy sue edelbrock

Hi guys/gals. I have a question which I'm pretty sure I know the answer to already.
Did indy sue edelbrock for coping their heads? I ask because my cousin who knows it all, Bought a 67 Cuda with a 451 in it. we were arguing about engine combos and if a 400 block 500in stroker is better than a 440 500in. I then asked him what heads he's running. He said eddys. I asked rpms, e street or victors? He said no it a rare eddy head that they copied off of indy and indy sued them. I have never heard this before and can't find anything on the internet about. I was thinking it's bs as soon as it came out of his mouth. What do you all think? Sorry for the rant I just want to prove the know it all wrong.