Seriously at my wits end

I am wondering, have you verified that the leak is actually from the pan/gasket? I hate to see you chase a leak that may be from somewhere else. Its a common problem for the shifter seal to leak and run down to the top of the pan then drip from a couple of different places making it appear to be the pan/gasket? I would make sure that the seal area is washed out along with the pan/gasket. Then start the car and with a mirror watch to see if the shafter seal may be leaking. also check at the speedometer gear o-ring and rear yoke seal and dipstick tube seal. You may have to drive around the block then look again. Dont go to far at one time because once it starts to leak it will run to other areas and be hard to figure out where its coming from. It can be aggrevating but once you find the actual leak it should be curable!
Be patient but make sure you are chasing the real problem.
Best of Luck