Star Wars?

Anyone fired up about the new movie? I have been a fan since the showing of the first one. I don't need to go to the premiere but I will see it in the next few weeks. I hope the 3 D version is good. tmm

yup ...planning on going to see it.

I was still a stem cell when the first 3 that came out but they are the best ones so far .....I remember seeing jar jar binks as a pre-teen and I thought he was stupid then and I think he is stupid now. Episode 2 and 3 were ok, but queen Amidala being a raging cougar was kinda disturbing. 2 and 3 really made me explore the competition and become a Trekkie for awhile.

I doubt this new one will be to the caliber of the original older trilogy, Especially Emipire Strikes Back.........but we will see.

Hopefully Disney does a better job than putting a retard like Jar Jar in. :finga: