Horn Relay Replacement

I believe, but don't "quote" me on this.........if you don't HAVE to have the warning buzzer function, replace it with an older 3 terminal one, which may? be more available.

O'Reallys shows an R213 for a '70


I looked through some of your old posts on troubleshooting the circuit, thank you for pointing out the basics. Remove black grounding trigger wire from relay and ground terminal = no honking most likely a bad relay. I pulled the three prong off and checked for 12 volts, violet wire had it, jump violet to green w/red tracer = honk honk. Went back to check my trigger wire in the column and the column connections, all good. Ended up popping the relay apart to confirm. :prayer:Thanks again

If you were capable of opening it, you are probably capable of repairing it. :D

Thought about that, but figured it wouldn't last very long having been melted down once. If this search hadn't produced some results I just might have given it a shot.