Stop in for a cup of coffee

Good morning, I'm back, haha.

I saw where Stan had his stem cell transplant a couple days ago...if you go to any of his posts there's a link to the blog his daughter is keeping. He'll have some ups and downs so we can send prayers and positive thoughts his way.

The USMC graduation I attended was awesome. Besides going to the family-day picnic, I went to the ceremony and celebrated with the graduate's big family at a house-party. Another graduate and his father came along and we got to hear all about boot camp and provide them with some long-awaited good food and casual times, guitar-playing, etc.

Then I rode down to see my Mom and family in FL, we had a picnic with my siblings, kids had a treasure hunt and played bocce ball. My oldest childhood friend took me out on his boat, like we used to do as kids, and I spent the next afternoon with his 87 yr old Mom whom I've known my whole life too. Also had my fill of oysters, stone crab and beer! We went to a Christmas program at the community theater.

Some of you might remember my little brother was very sick two years ago when we had the picnic but now his Crohn's is under control and he's strong and healthy and back up to his normal weight again, you'd never even know how sick he was!

My sister stumbled onto a photo place where an old guy restored some photos we dropped off in the morning and he had them ready the same day! They are of the boat my Dad built, she headed up to see my Dad yesterday so she can post them on the cork board in his room at the nursing home.

I had NO idea what can be done to make old photos look better than new. And it's not even expensive...if you have old family photos, definitely find someone to fix them for you.