Lead acid batteries

First AGM battery I had was in my 92 Honda CBR600F2. Was so used to bike batteries lasting 1 season, was amazed when it lasted 6. 5 of them were in AZ, with the bike sitting out in the scorching sun from Noon to sunset 6 days a week. When I got my chopper it had a wet battery in it. Lasted less than 3 weeks. Battery in it now has 2 seasons on it. Don't even bother bringing it in the house during the winter. Don't even bother with the Battery Tender until I am ready to fire it up for the next season.
I listened to the advice of the parts guy when I got my first AGM car battery. Replaced the cables/clamps. Used some funky "military ends". Used 2 gauge cable. And never had to touch it again. No more baking soda baths. No more having to deal with the ends getting soft. No more wire brushing things. No more rotting battery trays. And no more rust stains in the driveway.
Replaced the Optimas in my Duramax in 09. Truck has a drain in it that is related to something under the dash that I have yet to find. Both batteries have shown .08 volts a few times. Few hours on the charger and they are good to go.