COP Ignition Development

Nice work! I am having difficulty understanding the interaction between the Hall sensor and wheel. A post of the waveform would be helpful.

Are you using Megasquirt?
Yes, MS3X for full sequential injection and ignition.

The cam sensor consists of a round piece of thick aluminum, on which the half-circle piece of soft sheet metal is mounted. The Hall-sensor has a pullup-resistor, and the piece of sheet metal is mounted in a position giving a high signal (5 Volts) to the ECU when cyl 1 is on the compression stroke.
It's now about 2 years since I did that, but if I remember correctly the output wave is a pretty square wave, 5V. The signal goes high approx. 180 crank degrees before cyl 1 TDC on compression stroke, and goes low approx 180 crank degrees after TDC.

The only function of the cam sensor is to tell the ECU if cyl 1 is on the compression stroke or not. The crank sensor gives the actual position of the crank.

I could provide a wave form some days into the new year if you need it.