Anyone tired of this ???

who gives a **** if someone bought or built their car as long as they are out and enjoying it.

if you really think about it, the smart thing to do is to buy one that someone else put all the money into and is taking the loss on and tweaking things to make it yours.. best of both worlds there..

as far as magazines go. i stopped getting mopar ones years ago.. they suck.. only thing they are good for these days is to see the latest products out . years ago ya needed them for tech articles. these days the internet is faster and has a lot more information then a magazine can have in a single issue. the other thing is how much more can be written about these old cars? its all been covered hasn't it. now modern electronics and all is where its at and thats probably where tech articles should be going..

I say that they should actually look for these stories...even maybe set a reporter to troll this site...

true story.. few years ago i'm standing talking with the editior of mopar enthusiast magazine. he was looking for a car to feature... i mentioned a cool dart or valiant that was pretty stock looking but under the hood was a slant 6 with a turbo. i thought it was a neat car and it was different.. he couldn't care less. he was more interested in the high dollar cars that every other magazine was going after. just the way it is..

as far as trolling this site. doubt it will happen.. this site has a bad reputation around other boards as being the cheapest bunch around.. and magazines don't want again. just the way it is..