I'm out of practice.

On my way home today I decided to do a big burnout. Something I haven't done in awhile. Haven't had anything that could do one in a few years. So I brought the rpms up to 3k and dumped the clutch. Grabbed the brakes and did a brake burn for a quick 10 seconds then let off the brakes. Spun them a good 40-50 feet then grabbed second and the tires kept spinning like it was still in first. Everything was going good for about 80 feet spinning and having fun, when the car just snapped to the left and started to head for the guardrail. No way was I going to wreck my car so hit the brakes and turned the wheel to spin it 180. Came to a stop without any damage. The only down side is I didn't grab the clutch fast enough and stalled it.

I've always said you judge a driver not when the car is in control but how they handle a car out of control. All those years driving winter beaters through snow storms paid off. Nothing like a /6 Dart in second gear power sliding around corners. LOL! I'm always impressed by race car driver that saves a car from wrecking through driving out of trouble.

I guess I should either stop doing big burnouts or practice more and get my groove back. I will be replacing the tires in the spring so I guess I should keep practicing. :burnout: