Star Wars?

All this being said, I went in with an open mind.. I still dont get all the JJ Abrams hate.. I thought the Star Trek reboot was ok.. the lense flares didnt bother me, I just thought he didnt need SO many of them... I will say this for the new movie, for 2 and half hours i felt like I was 9 again.. To me this movie had the 'magic' again.. A feeling I havent felt in a movie theater since Empire..When it was over I felt that same rush I did back then of excitement and questions, and that feeling of anxiousness knowing it would be 3 years for the next one.... the new cast was way more natural and believable than the prequel cast.. They are characters I feel I can get into, like the originals.. and this movie had something all the others lacked, humor.. but done correctly (the originals had humor, but very sparingly, and prequels made attempts that fell VERY short)

People can say what they want... and I know opinions are all relative.. but I loved the movie.. and Im going to go see it again.. a couple times LOL

If it makes you feel any better, you don't have to wait 3 years this time. Star Wars: Rogue One (about how they stole the first Death Star plans) comes out in just under a year. Then Episode 8 will be here in a year and a half.

By the way, I agree with your review. This one had the magic again. That's a really good way to put it.