Does this happen to you all the time?

It seems like everyday I get 5 or 6 people who feel the need to stop me and ask me "is the car for sale". I try to be polite,but it does get annoying after a while. I don't know if most are car flippers looking for someone willing to sell for $1,000 or what,but some are extremely rude when told no,its not sale.

This afternoon in a parking lot I had some young thug/ghetto types tell me my car was an "ugly old piece of ****" after I told the guy twice it wasn't for sale. My car is in nice condition by the way and is rust free,certainly not a "piece of ****"..if it was he wouldn't be trying to buy it...his offer,after being told it wasn't for sale twice by the way was "$1,200. I told him if he thought he was going to find a rust free,running driving 70 Swinger 2 dr hardtop for that price he'd better think again.

Anyway,hope I posted this in the right section. I was just curious if anyone else here using a vintage mopar for a daily driver experiences this same ordeal.