Does this happen to you all the time?

yeah, ive had several people stop by the house while I'm working on it
most of them very pleasant, and many of them sharing stories on how they used to have the exact same car in highschool, only with a 440 hemi sixpack in it

I had one guy who was rather rude, first praising it into the sky, then flashing what he claimed was 5K cash, and then running the car down after I turned the offer down

just last week I came home and found a not under my wiperblade, asking if it was for sale

oh, and one of my coworkers hassles me about it
offered up everything in trades from guns, to Harleys, to several thousand dollars worth of .22 rounds

funny thing with an obvious race car out on the street - "they" must figure it's out of their range 'cause, no I don't have that issue - they do however give me the "do a burn out" signal... LOL

probably because people see your hood and mistake it for a one wants those :D