TNT'ers think they are racers

It's kinda cute to watch the test and tune guys post pictures of their low E.T.time slips with reaction times of .400 and slower in a racers forum. Please know that bracket racers are not the least bit impressed with how fast your car gets down the track during test n tune.
Only way you're going to win a round in real racing is if the other guy red lights.
Grinch mode off, now have a Merry Christmas!

Do you think it's cute and stupid when a guy sits on a green light during test and tune so he can spool up and blast a 4 second run in the 1/8 mile? I enjoy bracket racing and I think test and tunes are fun, I'm always trying to get a new best. I haven't done much heads up racing but I love watching it. I even go to boring car shows and have fun. Who cares what someone else's narrow minded opinion is! Get out there and enjoy your car.