"Throwing a rod(s)"

Stories like this is why a numbers match is so hard to find now. These were just normal everyday cars for the first 10 to 15 years. I remember back in the 80`s when people were almost giving them away.

"And I did."

Somewhere in the late 70's / very early 80's I sold the old V code with a 360 short block and early 273 commando heads and intake to "some kid." I think I got about 2K--2500 out of it. This was in the '70's gas crunch. Still had the 4 speed and Dana, and "hang on" AC unit.

I knew the family. It didn't take him long..........

first to start lies.........

One night I came across him and a group of guys standing around........

"Yeh' we marked out a quarter and it definately runs 12's. It will sometimes get the tires off the ground."

I told him "the only time that car every had the front tires off the ground was on a JACK."


Then one night his brother told me the kid had destroyed the "possi." Evidently he'd got drunk, stuck, or both, got one tire up on the pavement and the other down in the mud, and spun the thing until he burned up the clutches in the Dana.


Finally the car just "ceased to exist." By that time I'd moved here, and didn't see them much. I never found out what happened. I always figured it probably envolved drunkeness and hit and run. His brother once told me "we think it's over a cliff somewhere." Years later (about 10 ago) I ran across his brother, and he STILL would not admit to me whatever happened to that car.

At one time I had the VIN written down in the old shop manual, but the first few pages are now gone, tattered, torn.