Home Projectors

Get as much resolution and as many Lumens as you can afford. Also, check the lens' throw to make sure it's appropriate for your room (my boss made us get a mondo projector for the training room at work - the lens really wants to be 40' back - the cabling didn't lend itself to that, so we really can't zoom it as large as the screen from as close to the screen as the projector ended up mounted).

If your wall is pretty flat and smooth, I think you can by some paint that is meant for projecting on...but a real screen with stretchers to keep it tight will make it better.

With big flatscreen LEDs getting so affordable, are you sure you don't just want to get a big ol' flatscreen?

Remember, if your projector bulb burns out (usually rated for about 500 hours), the replacement bulbs run close to what a new projector costs (about $500, last I checked on one).

I've had pretty good luck with Optoma projectors for work (for doing presentations, etc.)

If you do it, go for a ceiling mount so it's up and out of the way! Also, I think HDMI cables can run longer than VGA, etc. without some sort of signal booster/amplifier.

Thank you for that info! We were looking at ceiling mount projectors, but had no idea if we could even do the set up on it. We thought we might have to pay someone to come aim it and set it up properly. So not sure if that is true or not. I have heard that about the bulbs, although I didnt realize it was only about 500 hour life span. That could be very costly!

Although you are right, the cost of flat screens are coming down and they are making them bigger. Originally we were thinking of a 65 inch, but now I see there are 70, 75 and even 80 inch out there. Which yes is probably cheaper than the projector and screen, even with the mount. The wall its going on is 12' wide and 9' tall. We are going to do shelving around the screen or TV for the audio equipment, cd's, movies, etc... So its not going to be the entire wall, but we do have room to play.