Show me your white/cream colored Barracudas

That color is called Sunfire Yellow. Same as in my avatar.

Thats interesting that its called that. I went down to my local dupont autobody supply retailer a couple years ago, and went through the 1967 plymouth color chip page, and the light yellow for 1967 was actually called daffodil yellow in their book. It was used in that particular formulation according to the dupont book from 1965 through 1967. The formula changed for 1968 and 1969, and according to duponts color books was then called bright yellow.

I liked the 1967 yellow whatever its called, and decided i would paint my 67 that color, what also helped my decision was as a non metallic color i could paint the car a section at a time and control the dust in my garage, as long as i took the paint from the same paint can and it was mixed well. I plan on going single stage for under the hood, jambs, and trunk, but will go basecoat/clearcoat on the exterior.

I also have a replacement 1967 door and paint in the jamb is daffodil yellow. I buffed it out, and actually like it a lot better than the medium blue metallic poly that was a factory color on this car.