A 1974 Duster - My 2nd one, 41 years later!

Not being an auto body guy... the R&R of a new panel is somewhat worrisome...probably why I put it off for so long. At any rate, I am in it, to win. I read and read, watched videos, and spoke with a good friend that is a pro fabricator guy. Get a flange tool was what I need. While a butt joint is fine, it may be tougher to get done...with a flange tool that also punches the spot weld holes I can make a stronger joint and it won't be as difficult to weld. So Flange/punch tool ordered from Amazon and Northern Tool.

15826_700x700 by Alexl5280, on Flickr

First test fit, gonna be a lot of on and off's until this is just right.

IMG_2691 by Alexl5280, on Flickr

IMG_2692 by Alexl5280, on Flickr